To solve this dilemma, I go and get a dongle, setup a package, and I’m all set for wireless Internet. Only problem is that despite having a Dialog tower literally 200m away from my house, I don’t get a good enough signal to even watch Youtube, thanks to some heavy foliage around our house. In fact all I get is the laboriously slow EDGE signal which means you're more likely to be hit in the head by a flying water buffalo than have a Skype conversation with someone.
Hence, I've decided to put together some random snippets of my rather happening life over the last month or so, just to fill in till I get back to my normal writing. I was very tempted to write an election related post, but I'm sure the blogosphere is already 'ringing' (pinging?) with arguments both praising and denouncing the results, so I'll just leave it to them and settle for more trivial topics.
The Demon Cat

Several cries of murder later, we took the guy to the hospital and what ensued was a thorough anti-rabies course that would convince most animal lovers to change their mind instantly. However, despite finding out later that the cat had only bitten him because he had unknowingly stepped on it in the dark, the only conclusion that was reached after this incident was that the cat was possessed. I kid you not, 'possessed'! Apparently paranormal activity was quite common in our housing scheme, with several inhabitants adding their own bits to the already rather elaborate 'ghost stories' and some even refusing to stay in certain houses which were considered more 'haunted' than the rest.
Morale of the story: animal cruelty only applies if the victim is not related to the spirit world; else please make sure you have some ectoplasm nearby. Else, well, 'who you gonna call'?
Facebook Drama
The problem with social networking is that it inevitably emulates the issues and problems of real-world society. St.Fallen wrote a very interesting post regarding a conversation that he encountered on Facebook, but what I observed was on a slightly different line. One of the strangest things that I've noticed about Facebook is it's privacy settings. It seems like every month they introduce more settings to control who sees what on your profile, or how public your information really is.
But doesn't that go against the very principle of a social networking site? Isn't the sole purpose of such a site to, well, 'socialize'?
By creating these little groups on Facebook, we only encourage the type of internet misdemeanours that we hear about all the time. You see, if we didn't have any of these security settings and groupings, we'd be forced to upload pictures and information that we were actually ok with sharing. What has happened now is a culture where we upload things that not everyone should be seeing, yet we hide behind the security settings and barriers of Facebook to protect us from the consequences of our disclosure. Yet, more often than not, something goes wrong somewhere and those scandalous pictures of you and that random boy you were grinding with turn up on in your boyfriend's inbox. Surprise, surprise, boo hoo, hate to say I told you so.
Loo Logistics
There should be rules and regulations to prevent that awkward exchange of greeting when you bump into someone in the loo. Too often I run into a colleague just as he's zipping up or I'm - err - zipping down. Then we're forced to either nod and make some sound of acknowledgement, or we just ignore them completely which is just awkward. Then there's the moment when we're both at the sink washing up and trying to make polite conversation, yet have you noticed how strange any conversation is when you're having it in a bathroom?
He: Hey there.
Me: Hi.
He: So, [says something work related]
[sound of flush in the background]
Me: Err, yeah, I'll get right on it. ["I just got work delegated to me in the toilet. Kill me now."]
Me: Hi.
He: Hey man!! What's going on? How are you?? [Holds out hand to shake]
Me: ...
[sound of flush in the background]
[He silently withrdraws hand]
[Things are never the same again]
I could go on and on.
Hence I hereby decree: for the sake of male friendships around the world, there shall be no communication, no words exchanged, no eye contact or contact of any kind between parties in or around a 10metre radius of a men's bathroom.
The Darkside has spoken!
My goodness, a post! It's so gonna rain today :P
Ugh cats are evil. This proves it.
As for fb...the safest option would've been not to grind with random boys, no? ;-) These ppl who complain about privacy need to live in Colombo; nothing is private there, fb or no fb :P
And the loo...why do you need to have a conv? Can't you just smile and nod and get back to your 'business'? No? Oh well.
and you call us women Drama Queens -_-
Hahaha - I've always felt that God blatantly favoured the males of the species over females in his creation but they seem to have settled the score themselves in the building of different types of loos for males and females.
LOL - this is one time I am soooo glad I was born a female :D
Man Law! Man Law! Man Law!
this was funny
lol this is hilarious! specially the loo bit XD
@PR - agreed about living in colombo, nothing is private there at all huh? and abt the loo, well, clearly u dont have a penis.. :P
@ cadence - haha HOW am i being a drama queen? u know nothing :P
@ Tulie - really? i doubt u feel that way when ur in a long distance bus journey n u need to take a pee in the bushes :P
@ monkey the boy - ummm...
@ humairahumaira - why thank u :)
@ black - lol thanks :)
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